Sylipsis Corporation provides the means and expertise to develop and commercialize business ideas. Sylipsis operates the Greek chapter of the MIT Enterprise Forum (MIT EF), which includes running the premier technology competition in Greece, the annual MIT Enterprise Forum (EF) Technology Start-up Competition. Through our active involvement and leadership since its inception, in the MIT Enterprise Forum Greece (MIT EF), a premier business competition that identifies and accelerates technology startups to the global market, our team has been immersed in the technology startup process in Greece and developed the Sylipsis idea to business framework.

idea to business TM
Sylipsis Corporation provides the means and expertise to develop and commercialize business ideas. Sylipsis operates the Greek chapter of the MIT Enterprise Forum (MIT EF), which includes running the premier technology competition in Greece, the annual MIT Enterprise Forum (EF) Technology Start-up Competition. Through our active involvement and leadership since its inception, in the MIT Enterprise Forum Greece (MIT EF), a premier business competition that identifies and accelerates technology startups to the global market, our team has been immersed in the technology startup process in Greece and developed the Sylipsis idea to business framework.

idea to businessTM
Sylipsis Corporation provides the means and expertise to develop and commercialize business ideas.
Sylipsis operates the Greek chapter of the MIT Enterprise Forum (MIT EF), which includes running the premier technology competition in Greece, the annual MIT Enterprise Forum (EF) Technology Start-up Competition. Through our active involvement and leadership since its inception, in the MIT Enterprise Forum Greece (MIT EF), a premier business competition that identifies and accelerates technology startups to the global market, our team has been immersed in the technology startup process in Greece and developed the Sylipsis idea to business framework.